That people run OK, you see that more often but that people run uphill?? That is another matter! Only recently we have had the Stirling Marathon. And believe it or not, 35 KG's ago even Photographer Stirling did the odd cooper test and other sports, but never anything like what I have seen the other week, let alone what I have seen today!
The mountain rescue service on their way to the Dumyat summit
Of course I have a great excuse because we don't have hills in The Netherlands. Therefore for me Dumyat is a mountain!
Dumyat Hill Race 2018 Photos
The Dumyat Mountain Race is organised by Stirling University.
The website says:
"This race is ideal for all levels, from those attempting their first hill race to the more experienced hill runner."
Perhaps that's why 400 people signed up?
The record of the Dumyat Hill Race stands at 32 mins and 23 second, so I planned an extra hour or so to get up there and choose my position. I was expecting fierce competition from other photographers to get the best spot.
Mountain rescue team, Stirling University marshals and photographer
The wind was already strong, but that was nothing in comparison with the rain that was on its way. And rain at that height comes in horizontally!
I had to give up in the end because I couldn't see in the viewfinder anymore if the images were in focus. I was totally relying on experience (as in: in theory they should be good..) and the sophistication of today's Canon autofocus system. It is rather amazing really that it can still find the (moving) subject behind the rain and bring it into focus.
At this time it was really pissing down!
One of the marshall showing his admiration
Dumyat Hill Race results
Some results of the Dumyat Hill Race 2018 that we want to share with you are those of some that feature in our pictures:
Scott Fraser (788), overall winner with 00:34:37,
Jonathan Crickmore (708) with 00:35:21
Hamish Battle (730) the photogenic one, with 00:35:21
and of course prominently featuring in these images are:
Bill Duff (543) with 01:01:06
Chris Lorimer (872) with 00:42:35
Amy Frankland (754) with 00:43:53
And many, many more!
Unfortunately not all 349 runners will find themselves back in our photos, but I hope you enjoy viewing them nevertheless. For more results and images please visit the site of Stirling University.
All extremely well done everybody!

More Photos of the Dumyat Hill Race
Via the link below you can see all the photos taken by Photographer Stirling, but before you do please read the following:
you can freely download the images in all resolutions if it is for personal use
in return we would appreciate a link to this website when you post them on your own social media channels
please contact us for commercial use
if you want to share this post with others then please do so by using the sharing options at the bottom of this blog when you're on your mobile or at the top, when you are using a desktop. This is to ensure that people will be able to get through to the Flickr site.
I hope you will find yourself in one of the images. Enjoy!
You can find the images here:
10-05-2018 20:45h : all images are now online! If I have missed you then perhaps I see you next year?
Thanks for visiting!
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