It is an old habit of me to reflect on the year just past to determine if we have grown as a little business and how I have developed myself as a photographer from a creative and professional point of view. I haven’t done that on this site yet and will try to keep it as short as possible.. promise!.
Photographic highlights 2019
And that is where the trouble begins, because we like every image we produce otherwise we wouldn’t have taken it that way. Every now and then we select a few images when a series is finished and add them to the relevant sections of the website. Going through the library again today I make a different choice.
Portrait photography in the studio
We are very grateful for the assigments we have had this year and appreciate your trust in delivering the look and feel you want. In addition to architectural and interior photography in Glasgow and Edinburgh we have made portraits, done fashion shoots in The Netherlands, product photography in the studio, photographed real estate, covered events and have even done a wedding in Stirling!
Great atmosphere, stunning scenery and above all great fun!
It was an honour to cover this wedding in Stirling and be given the trust to do so as after all you don’t find any wedding pictures on this website. Obviously we have done many weddings in the past but are now focussing more on commercial photography. Having said that, the next one is lined up already!
Another highlight I want to share with you is that we are honoured to be able to say that we now work for Ralph Lauren:
Ingram Street, Glasgow
A rather challenging assignment, both during the capture but especially in post processing. It was one of those jobs where I have totally misjudged the amount of time that would be involved in the editing of the images. Anyway very much chuffed with the results and so is the client!
Interior photography Glasgow Edinburgh
Also this year, we have photographed many impressive interiors designed and build by Amos Beech, clients since 2001:
The new offices of Cleanship in Glasgow
(Clicking on the image will enlarge it in a lightbox)
To see more of their work I would recommend to have a look at the gallery and project page on their website.
We are also proud that we get more and more clients from down south who appreciate the style and eye for detail in our interior photography. Maganta projects assigned us to photograph their flagship project of Computershare in Edinburgh:
You will find more images of this project in the gallery interior photography
Commercial real estate photography
We have also photographed a number of buildings on the outside, like for instance this stunning Datacenter in The Netherlands:
And 110 Queen Street in Glasgow, opposite Ralph Lauren:
More images can be seen here: Commercial Real Estate Photography.
Also good fun was the outdoor fashion shoot for Kjelvik Scandinavian Outdoor, featuring the summer collection of 2020:
We have also covered the Stirling Marathon this year (more images via the featured links below ) and are pleased that despite doubts about it’s future The Stirling Scottish Marathon will be back October next year. So if you are running you may find us in the verge again somewhere along the route!
Another great event to cover was the In the Attic Music festival:
We are very much looking forward to the new year and are confident that we will cover a great variety of subjects again in both Scotland and The Netherlands. Above all, we are excited to re-open our studio in The Netherlands again, which will be bigger and better than we have had before, allowing for product photography of furniture, fashion and many other products as well as portrait photography.
We are looking forward to seeing you all again the the new year!